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Latest Release : ZKBioSecurity v5000 version 3.1.1.


We are proud to announce the release of ZKBioSecurity v5000 version 3.1.1.

The software version has many new features which further enhance security and convenience!

1. Support for OSDP readers

OSDP (Open Supervised Device Protocol) is quickly replacing the Wiegand access control communication protocol primarily because OSDP is encrypted. You may have heard about the ISC session with ethical hacker Babak Javadi of The Core Group. Javadi demonstrated how quickly a Wiegand card reader connection can be hacked and data easily extracted, allowing a hacker access or deny admittance to a facility, or clone credentials.

For the past 40 years, readers and access control panels communicated via Wiegand.

However, Wiegand lacks the security essential for today's access control systems. In addition, Wiegand is unsupervised, offers limited distance options, supports only 1-way communication (reader to panel), and wires must remain in good condition, free from induced electrical interference.

Conversely, OSDP is encrypted and enables the use of a four-conductor cable, which can achieve up to 10x longer distances between reader and controller than Wiegand. OSDP can also power the reader, send/receive data and it supports bi-directional communication between card reader & access control panels.

ZKBioSecurity v5000 version 3.1.1 now allows ZKTeco inBio Pro Series of panels (models US-inBio-260 Pro and US-inBio-460-Pro) to support ZKTeco OSDP readers (SpeedFace models and KR613-OSDP & KR614-OSDP) and 3rd party readers which support OSDP

Converting from Wiegand to OSDP is not difficult – it's simply different. Using readily available OSDP converters increases efficiency and allows a cost-effective phased migration, since the converters eliminate the need to replace entire access control systems at once.

2. Support for our new EX0808 I/O board

InBio Pro access control panels now support the new ZKTeco EX0808 I/O expansion boards which support 8 inputs and 8 outputs. EX0808 is economical (and saves space) when needing to add elevator control, alarm monitoring, alarm annunciation, and building control to an access control installation. The EX0808 I/O board boards connect back to the InBio-Pro Series panels via RS-485 & OSDP.

3. Updated TLS 1.2.

In keeping up with industry standards, we knew older versions of TLS would no longer be supported. We took a proactive approach to make sure our mail settings would follow suit.

Transport Layer Security (TLS) encrypts data sent over the Internet (i.e., passwords, credit card numbers, etc.). ZKBioSecurity previously did not support old versions of TLS, preventing customers from sending emails from internal domains. Now we have the ability for these users to properly receive their email notifications.

4. Advanced Data Cleaning

We now allow for the user to customize how long data is stored in our database.

ZKBioSecurity now allows users to select how long or short they wish to store their Temp, Access, Video, Elevator records. etc. The schedule is completely customizable. You can choose to store data for the day, month, or week (minimum 1 day, maximum 36 Months)

5. QR Code Support

Did you know QR codes can be used as a mobile phone credential used in access control applications? It gets even better . . . QR codes are unlimited and FREE.

QR codes are also highly secure since a user’s QR code changes each time they are used to access a door/gate. And unlike prox cards and most Bluetooth credentials, QR code are FREE.

ZKBioSecurity allows users to now generate their own QR code based on personnel card numbers. This QR code can be emailed to the cardholder who can save it to their phone and present it to the ZKTeco QR500 QR code reader.


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